Refunds, Returns, Exchanges and Cancellations

KIINZ is made up of independent sellers who run their own stores. This means that each seller is responsible for their own policies regarding refunds, exchanges, and returns. Individual policies will vary from shop to shop.

As a seller on KIINZ, you’re expected to clearly state your policies regarding returns and refunds in your seller profile. This includes:

  • Whether or not you accept returns
  • The time frame in which you may accept a return
  • Who will pay for the cost of return shipping for any items that are sent back to you

If you enter into a return agreement with a buyer via our KIINZ Chat, we require you to fulfill that agreement. This may include:

  • Issuing a refund for the returned item(s)
  • Providing KIINZ with proof of shipping for a replacement item

Customers can cancel their order within 24 hours from the time of placing the order online; refunds will be made back to the payment solution used initially by the customer. Please allow for up to 45 days for the refund transfer to be completed.

If you do have a problem with a transaction, it’s best to contact the buyer directly via KIINZ Chat. Buyers are also encouraged to contact you if they experience any issues.